The Institute of Human Resource Development  Satellite
The International Astronautics Authority Training Base on The Institute of Human Resource Development Satellite, commonly known as Neptune Station. The main function is the administration of the data bubbles in the lower levels of Neptune. Population is 7094, plus a transient population of less than six months maximum stay of 1171, total is 8265. 
There are four rings, each composed of 4 sectors. 
Ring 1 Support area 
1. Lily pad docking area 
2. Reception 
3. Administration & Infrastructure 
4. all flight traffic control & Operations 
Ring 2 Military area  
1. overall security although each area also had their own  
2. communications 
3. Heavy, Light & Secure storage 
4. Military use (Training faculty & Billeting & Canteen)  
Ring 3 Civilian area (hotels with own bars and light snack room service) 
1. Hotel H Met (Sencillo Santana Pendown), entertainment.  
2. Hotel D Inn (Akemi Tanika and Marco Eduardo Bosino), bars, restaurants 
3. environment 
4. maintenance, repair and servicing of the physical structure 
Ring 4 Academic area  
1. Central bio-core 
2. research & development & supervision of data bubbles in the oceans of the planet. 
3. learning labs & Astronautics training 
4. student dorms & spaces for presentations, seminars.

The Central Core Area
There are three lily pad docking areas. They are: 
Lily 1 with pads 1, 2 or 3. 
Lily 2 with pads 1, 2 or 3. 
Lily 3 with pads 1, 2 or 3. 
Identified as: Pad (lily X, pad Y) 
Eg: “Cleared to dock at pad 2,1”